The Poutsma Family

family tree and other information

Poutsma coat of arms

This is the shield of the family Baerdt, the wife of the founding father of the family. It includes a half cresent moon , meaning a connection with the town of Dokkum in the province of Friesland outlined by a garland o roses. It is not known where and when this weapon was made.

This is the Reiderland weapon made in 1603 by Tammerus Gerhardi. It is the first Poutsma shield and includes a half Fresian eagle which shows connection with the province of Friesland. It also shows 2 corn ears which shows a connection with agriculture. The shield is outlined by a garland of roses. This is the weapon that is on our sealing ring.

This shield is from the heraldic databank of the central bureau of Genealogy in the Hague. It originates from 1753 and is from a book of J. Romein. It is a silver rose with a golden bud and a silver lily in blue. The other Poutsma weapons are apparently not known there.